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Bird of the Week: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) is a robin-sized woodpecker. You may see them on the side of trees perched upright. One way this bird can be identified is by their colors. You will notice their black and white coloration with…

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Bird of the Week: Eastern Kingbird

You might expect this creature with a regal name to wisely diversify its biological investments, however the Eastern Kingbird keeps all its eggs in one basket.  This “basket” is a cup-shaped nest made of weeds, twigs and grass, lined with…

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Bird of the Week: Eastern Towhee

Comb through the shrubby underbrush for a peak at this bird’s rufous sides, white outer tail feathers and dark hood and back. This week’s #Bird of the Week is the Eastern Towhee! Years ago, the Eastern Towhee and the Spotted…

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Bird of the Week: Great Egret

Standing just over 3 feet tall and weighing in around 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) is this week’s Bird of the Week, the Great Egret. This long-legged bird can be seen wading slowly or standing immobile hunting for fish, frogs and…

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Bird of the Week: Red-eyed Vireo

Described perfectly by some naturalists as "drab little birds with colorful songs," vireos are birds you notice by ear more than eye. Well-camouflaged by virtue of being both mousey in color and size, secretive, and out of sight as they…

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Bird of the Week: Bald Eagle

Happy Independence Day from your Metroparks! This week’s Bird of the Week feature is the Bald Eagle. The Bald Eagle was chosen as the symbol of the United States in 1782 for its strength, longevity and majestic appearance, which represents…

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Bird of the Week: American Wigeon

The American wigeon, colloquially known as ‘baldpate' can be seen in Michigan during migration. This bird gets its common name from the white forehead and crown of the male, which gives it the appearance of being bald. Males can often…

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Bird of the Week: American Bittern

The American Bittern is a medium sized heron with a stout body and a long neck that gradually tapers into a daggerlike bill. This bird is found in wetlands throughout the United States, primarily foraging in inland freshwater marshes for…

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Bird of the Week: Sora

The Sora is a bird that is more often heard than seen. Its distinctive whinny can be heard in wetlands with dense marsh vegetation like cattails, rushes and sedges. This small, round, secretive marsh bird is grey and brown with…

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Bird of the Week: Scarlet Tanager

This summer resident is hard to miss. The male Scarlet Tanager is bright red with black wings and tail, while females are olive with grayish brown wings. Beginning in late July and early August, the male scarlet tanager will molt…

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