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Organization Overview & History

...HCMA and other park agencies will need to work together to resolve. PARK HISTORY Kensington Metropark (Formerly known as Kent Lake Metropolitan Park) Opened 1947. Kent Lake Metropolitan Park was re-christened Kensington Metropolitan Park early in its development, in honor...

Plan Your Event

...can answer your specific insurance questions. Do my event attendees need to pay the park entrance fee? Yes, your event participants or guest will need to pay the daily entrance fee, unless they already have a Metroparks annual pass. However,...

Metropark Express Powered by Smart

...Clair Metropark or vice versa. Your ride to the park is FREE if you are transferring from a SMART fixed bus route. All SMART and Dart passes (except for SMART value passes) are accepted as payment. Visit for information...

Lake Erie Metropark Marshland Museum

...part of the scientific name which means ā€œwhite-headedā€ in Greek) was originally from the Saginaw/Bay City area. He arrived at the Marshlands Museum in July of 2008. While the cause of his injuries is not clear, he is now partially...

Indian Springs Metropark Environmental Discovery Center

...the diversity of the parkā€™s ecosystems, including an underwater pond viewing room. Displays at the Environmental Discovery Center provide a window into the diversity and uniqueness of the ecosystems found in the park. First Floor Displays The first floor entry...

Black History Month

...Month events and resources in our area. Black History Month Events Available now!-The Sarah E. Ray Project 75 years ago, a 24-year-old African American secretary was denied a seat on the segregated Boblo boat, SS Columbia. Like Rosa Parks,...

Life Under a Log

May 3, 2023 By Annica Brocker, Park Interpreter Life depends on plants to survive. Without photosynthesis, the process where plants use sunlight and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and sugars, food and air would not exist. Trees, being the largest...

To Rake or Not to Rake: Answering the Question

...fall, leaves begin to decompose, transferring these nutrients to the soil, including to perennials in gardens. Soil naturally has a lot of nitrogen in it, and leaves are packed with natural carbon, so the soil health will be improved by...

Local Juneteenth Celebrations

...Metro Detroit Juneteenth Celebrations: Juneteenth Jubilee Stroll on the Historic Avenue of Fashion: Harper Woods Celebration: List of more celebrations in Detroit:;events&rciv=evn&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjsg-vCuefwAhVMVc0KHX5WDboQ5bwDMAB6BAgIEAE#fpstate=tldetail&htidocid=L2F1dGhvcml0eS9ob3Jpem9uL2NsdXN0ZXJlZF9ldmVudC8yMDIxLTA2LTE5fDE1NDQ5Mjc4NjM4MDg0NTY0OQ%3D%3D&htivrt=events&mid=/g/11px3zcv7z WASHTENAW COUNTY Buy Black Juneteenth Pop-Up Shop: OAKLAND COUNTY Juneteenth Family Reunion ā€“

The Fiery Fix

...Michiganā€™s landscapes. These burns embody a harmonious fusion of traditional wisdom and contemporary management practices, underscoring the enduring significance of fire in shaping and sustaining ecosystems. Interested in reading more? Check out these resources:

Baby Animal Season:Ā  Keeping wildlife wild! bought milk. Fact: You should never attempt to feed a wild animal anything. The milk you buy at the grocery store is meant for baby cows, it may kill smaller animals. Every mammal species has different nutrient requirements and...

Climate Actions at Home

...used as storage for pantry items, leftovers, and canned or pickled foods. Jars are also useful for shaking up sauces and as drinking glasses. Cardboard egg cartons and toilet paper rolls make excellent fire starters while camping or at home....

Lake Erie Metropark

32481 West Jefferson Avenue, Brownstown, MI 48173 (734) 379-5020 Park Hours: 6 a.m. ā€“ 10 p.m. Park Office Hours: 8 a.m. ā€“ 6 p.m. Park Fees: $10 Daily Vehicle or Boat Pass OR Annual Passes DETAILS Located just a short...

Detroit Pop-up Programs

...ā€“ 3:30 p.m. Cost: Free! Location: Lincoln Park Public Library, Community Room, 1381 Southfield Road, Lincoln Park, MI 48146 To register and for questions about the Lincoln Park Public Library, please call 313-381-0374. Visit for information on the library....

Huron-Clinton Metroparks Seeks Public Input to Guide New Regional Water Safety Initiative

...the development of this regional plan, please reach out to Nina Kelly, Metroparks Chief of Planning and Development, at [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Five County region includes Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne counties....

Remembering Apollo 11, 50 Years Ago this Month

...little boy got to stay up way past his bedtime to watch. You can watch the entire moon walk here, exactly the way it looked to all those people watching on television 50 years ago. On July 20, 2019, the...

The Most Beneficial Gardener Is a Lazy One!

...leaves under trees or in garden beds if you choose to clear your lawn of leaf litter. Avoid the use of chemicals and fertilizers in your gardening practices. Links for more Information:
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