Introductory Homesteading for Adults
Are you drawn to that cute peeping of chicks in the farm store or the sweet taste of real maple syrup with your breakfast? Are you looking to become more self-sufficient when it comes to producing consumable products right in your own backyard? This series is geared towards adults looking for ways to bring food and products from their own yard to their table. Ready to dive into small scale farming or homesteading and just looking for connections to get started? Join us for a community conversation and information on how to get started with your project. Topics will vary by session.
February 19 – Introductory Homesteading for Adults: Bee Keeping Basics
March 12 – Introductory Homesteading for Adults: Maple Sugaring
April 16 – Introductory Homesteading for Adults: Care and Keeping of Chickens
May 21 – Introductory Homesteading for Adults: Care and Keeping of Small Ruminants
June 18 – Introductory Homesteading for Adults: Composting
What to Expect:
This program is mainly outdoors and in unheated barns. The program is 60 minutes in length. A group discussion will be encouraged.
Ages: Adults 18 & up.
Time: 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Cost: Free!
Location: Wolcott Mill Metropark, Farm Center
Pre-registration is required by 4 p.m. the day before the program.