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Bird of the Week: Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Look and listen for this summer resident to know that the season of sun is almost here! Rose-breasted Grosbeaks are found throughout the state during late spring to early fall, visiting feeders and nesting in woodlands and forest edges. The males and females look nothing alike, but both have a thick, cone-shaped bill that all grosbeak birds share, used for crushing and cracking seeds. While females look similar to sparrows, a streaky brown and white coloring with white on their eyebrows, males are the distinctive showstoppers. Their triangular patch of rosy red stands out against their white breast, black and white backside, wings, and black head. These birds build a cup nest together from leaves, stems, and forked twigs, sometimes thin and flimsy enough that eggs can be visible through the materials. Keep an ear out for a sweet whistling, similar to a Robin’s song, among the trees along your Metropark nature trails or near your backyard feeders. You may catch a glimpse of this beautiful songbird. Click here to learn more about Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and hear their calls. Happy birding!

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